
Dear you, reading this,

I think it's time we review what it means to have a social contract. Alas, My brain can't help but wander. I'm thinking about how easy it would be to set up a food delivery system to low income housing. Page one of google turned up some good results, but we could probably do more. How much money is Uber making? Couldn't they throw some bucks to make this happen? You run into all sorts of obstacles though. How would you keep the food safe? I'm thinking this would be early morning delivery like milk is delivered. Could you find a way for the people to pay for the food without the drivers taking part in the transaction? That would open up the possibility for SNAP benefits.

I've been hanging out in Small Town America lately and I can honestly say It's been pleasant. There's got to be a way to revitalize those towns. I think the key is better infrastructure. Granted, there's got to be more to life than just saying "Gee, it'd sure be great if..." So I'm saying "It was great when..." because it was great when we stopped in Machias and there was a thrift store that was selling clothes for $2 a bag. It was right across from the original customs house! That building has been in America longer than most people's families! It was awesome seeing the Eastern most point in the US! We found the rock!

However, I hardly get cell service anywhere out here. Normally, if I do, it's roaming. That's a severe disadvantage when compared to cities. Plus, Internet speeds out here aren't near as fast as they could be. That's why I'm saying build infrastructure. The more you can put people in control of their life, the better they will be. That's why we pay for goods and services. We have goals and we want to accomplish them. We all understand they take sacrifice. We don't know it all, but we're willing to learn. Knowledge is free in cyberspace. That's why people are fighting so hard for net neutrality. If we can get all our knowledge to more people faster, It would keep spreading.

Adults made us to replace them when they got tired of being an adult. Life is good for a lot of us now and I can't fault anyone for wanting to hold on to theirs. We need too remember what the ones we respected taught us. #adulting

As always, Thank you for reading,
