Where does the time go?

5 days back in Denver and I'm thinking to myself. I haven't spent enough time working on my crafts. There's so much to do! how do you dedicate yourself to just one thing? Meanwhile, in the past 5 days I've trashed my room, been to the club, been to a kick boxing class, been to church, watched an open mic, and attended a party. Of course, I picked up some litter too but that was only for an hour or so and I'm sure I could put more work in on my bendies. 

This past week or so has got my brain geared toward performance. What makes a good performer? There is a common thread that runs through a pastor, a comedian, a fitness instructor, a host of a party, and myself. We all have an agenda and react to our audience. The pastor welled up during his sermon. That's powerful! that's theater right there. What better way to demonstrate the power of the Lord than being overcome by said power? In a dimly lit Lion's lair, a comedian bared her soul through puns. She was the funniest person there. You don't go to the Lion's Lair if your life is going well. People line that bar with a narcissistic desperation. It's rare you'll be able to hold anyone's attention for very long. Why make your jokes any longer than they need to be? she  had a strange confidence during her set. It was as if she knew all her jokes were funny and just had to suss out the perfect order. That wasn't the case for the fitness instructor. She had all the moves tied down to the beat, order and all. I wonder what the gym looks like from her perspective. During her class, she was giving advice that seemed as if it were directed solely at me. I wonder if others in the class were having the same difficulties, making her advice more universal. In each of these first three examples, it is preferable to have the performer be better than the audience. Why would you listen to a pastor unless they were holier than thou? Why watch a comedian if you could think of better jokes? Why watch a fitness instructor if you were in better shape than them? For a party host, the attraction is a comfortable space to gather. A good host doesn't rise above their guests. If anything the good host will spend the night serving every whim of the guests. If it feels thankless, you aren't paying attention. The reward lies in the sounds you can't hear. 

As a performer you create a shared experience. Whether it be a sermon, concert, kickboxing class, comedy set, improve skit, tutorial video, or simply a time in a place. Don't for a second think that the homeless lady screaming at you at the bus stop wasn't performing. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH WORK ON YOU'RE ACTING!!!!!" Right at you. It's straight out of the Truman Show. We all know we're doing it. Lately everything feels like a movie or TV. All the world's a stage and the people merely players. Of course we need writers and stage hands that nobody really sees or hears from. Good job, thanks.


Seriously thank you I'm really having fun,


J say of the day: If you see Denise, Tell her I said hi.